Thursday, July 30, 2009

Honestly, why do people mock me?

I have been called crazy, insane,obsessed, and, yes, weird. But what for? My Twilight fanaticism isn't at all a waste of time. Just look at how many people I've met, how many places I've gone, all the things I've done! The list is far longer than most can vouch for. I mean, how many people can say they have gone on a road trip with their best friends up the west coast? Or camp out all night on the street or been on television and featured in articles(mind you it was only like two and it was mentioned as more of a group).

I love the things I do and I don't regret any of it. I love what I love and, sure, I'm a nerd or whatever you want to call me but I'm proud of it and I have memories to last me a lifetime because of it. It's all a part of being young and living your life. Stop mocking me for doing what I love to do and go out and do something with yourself besides sitting on the couch watching other people do it.